Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The one with Polar bears.....drowning..maybe

I've always believed in being upfront and honest on the radio. Audiences are more clever than you think and can hear through bullshit a mile off. Last night, I gave my humble opinion on global warming. It recieved a huge response with alot of people saying I was right.

We have, like most of you, recycling wheelie bin as well as a normal waste bin. I recycle as much rubbish as possible but from time to time, something that should end up in the recycling bin will end up in the waste bin. It probably would end up in the recycling if I could be bothered washing whatever it is out. The TV is always on standby. The computer is always on. Phone chargers are nearly always left on. The fridge door is left open until it starts beeping, and then its left to beep. Its too much effort to open and close it every 10 seconds when your unloading aload of shopping. Its not too much effort to plug the tv out, but I dont like doing that. Same with the computers, xbox and various other electrical items. At the same time I do my bit, which is where the recycling comes in. Alot of people say they do their bit, but dont actually know what they've done. I'd be one of those. And to be honest, I dont really care.

As one texter last night pointed out, saying I hit the nail on the head and we all do our bit. But do we actually care? Personally, Im not too bothered. It'll be or kids problems or there kids problem! I plan on having brainy kids (looks like Im making a good start). I'll be long gone. Does anybody think that 50 years ago they were worried about what the future would hold for peoples kids. Did they shit! They were too busy building nukes, microwaves and flying cars. So, we've all had to deal with whatever kinda crap has emerged from the last few generations and the next batch of kids will have to do the same. There is a huge amount of people on the planet doing their bit and its making little difference. Maybe the whole thing, as many have said is a natural occurence.

I wont be shedding any tears for a polar bear that has to swim and extra hour to get a feed. I mean, have people seen the traffic these days going into drive thrus. Exactly! The polar bears will have to suck it up!!!!! Saving the enviornment has never and will never be at the top of my thoughts. That might seem sad to some, but as mentioned we have a recycling bin, which gets collected every fortnight full of lovely pieces of cardboard and other delights. So thats my take on the whole thing. Im not too bothered.

No doubt if in a few years time, if theres 20 feet of water outside the front door and a few hungry polar bears, I'll do the honorable thing. I'll shoot one and feed it to the others. Then when they have that one eat and are hurling themselves through the windows, in a double glazing breaking hungerours rage, Ill start plugging out the TV.

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