Well my 2 days off have been and gone, and I really enjoyed em! Normally its hard to get back into it after a few days off, but this morning has proved me wrong. Things have gone smoothly!
Im looking forward to The Davinci Code, yet I havent read the book. The Gospel according to Judas hit National Geographic last night. So the conspiracy fan in me, decided to sit down for 2 hours and take it in! What a load of shite! If I wanted to see some footage of an ancient yoke being found, I would have put on an Indiana Jones flick! No revelations what so ever, as far as I could tell! Maybe I should have bought one of the many books that went on sale about it recently!
Our Bartizan giveaway continues tonight and of course all the usual bedlam will be there to boot as well!
Short one today as Im on cooking duties! Talk to ya from 9pm!