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Based on the the book of the same title, Fifty Dead Men Walking is the true story of Martin McGartland.
The plot is very straight forward. McGartland is a door to door salesman, flogging everything from jeans to knickers, which have all fallen off the back of a truck. He makes an impression on the IRA during a chase from the army and is subsequently recruited to the IRA, primarily as a driver and by the British police as an infiltrator and spy.
He makes alot of money, gets a new lease on life and starts a family. But as the story goes, he eventually gets discovered and is almost killed after the British sell him; and his confident out as they think it could bring down the whole system.
Fifty Dead Men Walking is fast, its brutal (the torture scenes get special mention) and extremely engaging. For a movie shot very recently, the crew have done an amazing job transforming Belfast back into the city it was over 20 years ago. Jim Sturgess is completely believable as McGartland as is Ben Kingsley as his confident, Fergus. Combined with a great supporting cast, the overall performance is superb!
The movie is extremely well shot and this just envelopes you from the very start. You do feel like you are on the journey with McGartland and I certainly think , Kari Skogland has done justice to not only the book, but to the man who saved 50 lives.
Excluding the introduction, the movie revolves around McGartland so don't be expecting a visual insight into the troubles in the North. That said, the movie does highlight the terror that went on for so long and the conflict that raged but as mentioned, this is about Martin McGartland, and nothing else!
Fifty Dead Men Walking is an incredibly enjoyable and gripping movie. I loved every minute of this and its something you should definitely check out!