Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The one with hype

Huge amount of hype surrounding the new Watchmen flick. Something very cool happening in London later on tonight, to no doubt, add to the huge hype. No press screening here so have to wait till Saturday night. Part of me is trying not to get sucked into the hype, the way I did with The Dark Knight. I suppose thats rich coming from someone who tore the house apart looking for an old Watchmen badge, and went off and bought another one because he couldn't find the original!

And for the tweeters, keep on eye on @WatchmenUK for pics etc.etc.

Anyway, its giving me something to look forward to and keep my mind on more positive things. Since last Sunday Its been a very long, tough and upsetting week for me so far! Family pets aren't family pets, they're family members and when one goes its incredibly tough to get back to normality!

But we drive onwards! We have no choice!

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