Monday, February 16, 2009

The one with the VD aftermath!

Well Valentines Day is over and done with. Thankfully! I don't hate the day as such, but the tonnes of cheese that go with it are vomit inducing at times. We took a stroll around the city on Saturday afternoon and the amount of shams thundering around with manky, crinkled, bate up looking bunches of flowers was comical. We passed one couple outside the Opera house, with the girl dragging a teddy bear the size of a grizzly bear behind her. "Morto" would have most definitely be used in conversations with the gurls afterward.

Truck loads of people were buying chocolates around, and we were the same. Granted, I was a bit disappointed that Butlers didn't do the chili chocolates in their "pick n mix" selections anymore.  I think there was disappointment in my house that a bunch of flowers didn't arrive, but we stuck to the pre arranged "No presents charter" like the U.N. We went to Hardwood for dinner that night and as usual had a great feed. 

I had to laugh at one couple who came in. They were 16-17 I'd imagine. Don't quote me on that, they could have been 45, but I'm useless with ages. The look on the guys face when he read the menu, was priceless. No Mammy's beans 'n chips! I'm sure they had a great night as well. Gotta say, I'm a big fan of Hardwood!

So that was Valentines done and dusted for another year. I wonder how many got pregnant? Did the teddy bear purchases pay off! Or was it just a thigh rubbing exercise! Y'all have a nice Monday now!

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