Thursday, July 24, 2008

The one where I got the blog back

Yesterday was a bonkers day on the blog, as Im sure you'll agree. Either way, its all back to normal now. I couldnt get access to the blog at all yesterday. Really feckin annoying. With the exception of the graphics, which have to stay the way they are for the next week. And the icing on the cake, this following email arrived in the inbox this morning.

Re: YoUr LiTTlE BlOg

ItS AlLs YoURs ViCkY BoY. YoU ArE AlWaYs On aBouT AsSeS bEiNg PuLlEd oUT PeOplES CHEStS. WelL, lEave ThIngS ThE WaY THEy ArE fOr the WeEk aNd You WOnT FinD ouT HoW an ASs RiPPEd ThrOuGH YoUR CHESt FeeLS lIKe.


Other than that, its all back to normal. My take on the Dark Knight will be up here around 5ish today. I cannot wait to see this flick. Im so excited, Im going to the cinema without no pants on! It'll save me doing it during the flick :)

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