Monday, August 21, 2006

After porn, its what the internet was made for. Bitching and Sniping. I have turned off the comments mode for public viewing. Why? Well there was a fair bit of abuse being thrown around on the comments page, and people arguing back and forth. A blog isnt the place for it!!!!! So thats that then! I can still read the comments, but everyone else cant. If anyone wants to take issue with something, then drop a mail to

Comments pages on blogs are for leaving a comment on the said post, not starting a discussion.

In reference to one posting here last night, Eimear and Dave do a rockin job, and the CTB production team has never been better. As for Risteard coming back on a Sunday night special thing, that wont be happening either! Whats happened to the show on a Sunday night? Basically we used do Get if off your chest every night of the week. Simply put, we didnt have enough room for everyone, so we decided to move GIOYC to a Sunday night, to a resounding success! Given theres a huge buzz about the show at the moment, I agree maybe I and the show have lost its touch, because all we seem to be doing now is grabbing things by balls. And thats better for everyone, in particular the listener!

Normal blog service shall resume tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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