Friday, May 05, 2006

Well Ive crawled out of bed and Im going to attempt to lay down some thoughts.

First off Paul Dee, last night was really really good! There were genuninely some very funny moments. 1 or 2 bits didnt work as well, but thats always going to happen. After it was all said and done, I genuinely felt a bit out of it. This happened the last time Paul was in the studio as well. Its hard to describe, but I felt the world around me was after speeding up slightly and I was after slowing down, if you understand! Maybe thats normal for me, but I really thought my speech was after slowing down a tad! It wore off by around 12ish, thankfully! From time to time, I get amazed at our phone system. When I gave away tickets for various Paul Dee shows last night, the thing nearly blew up. If theres a really hot topic it happens or a really big competition, but rarely to the extent of last night. We have six lines and they just kept flashing god knows how long. My new producer, Dave Macardle, could barley get a line out of the building! So by that reaction alone, I think people really enjoyed it. Its a bit different from our normal show, but as they say it was a break from the norm!

7 people made it and its quite bizarre to see what happens. During an adbreak last night, Paul had to leave the studio and I was left with 7, completely hypnotised people. They were just standing there, heads down away in hypno land. I didnt want to move, in case Id wake em. Well thats what it felt like. Even Risteard came in to tell me something, but he decided to write it down. Its a moment that'll live with me for some time! Theres a photo or 2 from that particular moment down below.

Thats about it for the blog for today, so check out the vids and pics. Have a good weekend. Back on the Sunday night from 10pm!

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