Tuesday, October 04, 2005

F You

Well, nearly a week on Ive finally got a few minutes to update this. Down to business, at the moment I think the price of a pound of butter is absolutely over the top. Id nearly buy a cow and make me own. Yeah, thats it, one of those talking cows on tv. Ebay here I come.

Right "Fuck You Asshole" echoed around the city and county last week. It richoched from New York to LA if the emails I got were anything to go by. In hindsight, it wasnt the most professional thing to do. Granted I did announce that I was throwing the professionalism out the window. Why did it happen, simple! For once I let a guest get the better of me and the temper just reached critical mass. I have a pretty short fuse off the air, but never before on the air. Shit happens I guess. Again, Im not making excuses, and for anyone that got offended I apologise again. I have to say I really appreciated the extremely large quantity of texts, emails and even voicemails left on our 1850 number. Those words are something that every caller wanted to say over 2 nights, but had the decency not to lower to yer mans level. Maybe people like him only understand one level, the gutter level. Some people were wondering did I get into trouble, yes to a point. I had a few chats, shall we say. But the postive fair outweighs the negative in all of this. I was at a wedding on Friday last and it was the talk of the whole thing. As we were leaving the wedding, a guy came up to me and asked me was I Victor Barry from Red FM, to which I replied yes. He said "Thanks for standing up for the northside" which again was a very nice comment! So there, I dont know what people were expecting me to say about Fuckgate (!) on here. There have been more hits than usual to the blog since Fuckgate. Maybe people were expecting me to write some mad, delierious, losing my mind shit. Not this time, that happened years ago!

Right so, the blog shall hopefully return to normal updates (again!!!!) from now on in. Other than that, all is good. Im about to preorder the Xbox 360 over the next day or so. Ill keep you posted!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vic, i've said it before and i'll say it again. that Ger deserved what you said to him. and i think what you said was very clean compared to what i would have saiid to him!