Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Late N Live Top 5 signs you know its under a month to Christmas (29/11/04)

5 – Well what did you think it was under a month too in November, EASTER??

4 – You put your foot through the ceiling trying to find the xmas tree in the attic

3 – You look at your bank balance

2 – Theres more alcohol in your house than in the local pub

1 – Your mother is buying them damn tins of USA biscuits

Todays been a good day so far. Ive got alot written for the show, to give it that special Xmas feel. Possibility of some really BIG names (ya dont wanna take a hit from that one mate) coming on the show as well, so fingers crossed. Our monday night Psychic last night was Elizabeth Joyce. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of single people and indeed relationship people who ring in, to find out about their love life.

Im slowly starting to prepare my Xmas list...and I mean slowly. The most important thing in my house for the next few weeks will be deciding what sort of tree to get. Maybe we'd get a real one, if that damn robot would clean up the mess.

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