Right. Ill begin with this shite....strangely there was something similar this time last year!!!
Best DVDs
House of Flying Daggers, Taegukgi, Cinderella Man, Star Wars Episode III, Ray
Best Movies at the cinema
King Kong, Broken Flowers, Star Wars Episode III premiere in Dublin, Batman Begins, The Aviator
Best Song
Kanye West feat. Jamie Foxx - GoldDigger
Best Album
Greenday - American Idiot
Favourite Interviews of 2005 on the show
Without a second thought, Rick McCallum, Willie Gieger, Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker.
Highlights of the show
I guess turning the show on its head and changing the direction competely, which seems to have made everyone happy and will hopefully have the effect I want in Februarys JNLR!!!! The Northside - Southside debate. Yes thats the one with the Fuck You at the end of it. Junior Cert night! Drugs debate and Cork people finally talking openly and freely about sex and porn. Rockin!!!!
Funniest things Ive heard all year
Conversations with Gilbert Gottfried about incest and fuck knows what else. Discovering Karl Spain was doing a bit in his show about my show, and people were actually laughing!Anytime Saddam showed up in Court. Give this guy a microphone at the Comedy Club in City limits...he already has the suit!
TV show of the year
I used always be a Letterman fan, but since we couldnt get Dave over here for years, I started tuning into Leno, who I really like..but this year, and thanks to ITV4, its The Late Show with David Letterman! Honourable mention to American Chopper!
Things Ive got into this year
I started watching the Sopranos from the night More 4 started. I know Im probably the only person in the country who hasnt seen it..but know Im like a junkie...waiting for the next episode!!! Bada Bing!
Book of the year
Nothing really blew me away this year (!) but notable mentions to Heres Johnny and BlockBuster! None of this Harry Potter shite either :)
Moments of the year for me
Part of it must have been clearing the big balance on the credit cards, and then running it back up again. Cooking the second Xmas Dinner in the house amd people are still living. Hosting the 1st ever Red FM appreciation awards. Sitting down in the Savoy in Dublin and watching the last ever Star Wars film, it definitely was a moment!! (sad I know)
Cool thing of the year
For me it has to be either the Xbox 360 or the PSP. Granted I sold me PSP so go figure!!
Video Games of the year
Ridge Racers PSP, King Kong Xbox 360 (really enjoyed it), Project Gotham Racing 3 on Xbox Live - Xbox 360 and Madden 360!
So thats the shite list done and dusted!!! Not that anyone gives a crap, but I said Id throw it in there anyway! Its all over now bar the puking. Managed to take in a few flicks over Xmas!!
Robots - Fell Asleep
Inside Deep Throat - Interesting
Cinderella Man - Outstanding
Billy Connolly in New York - Funny
Wedding Crashers - Shite
There was also some other piece of junk that I cant remember! Xmas was busy though, we seemed to be going out all the bloody time or visiting houses. Little time to sit back and scratch asses! Its been a strange year though. Around the middle of August we done a complete U Turn with the show and it seems to be working for the better. Callers, Texters, Emailers are all up!!! I started doing a bit of VO work which I may do a lot more of in 06. I finally discovered the Sopranos, and as of this moment I have all of season 5 left to watch. Then roll on numero 6. Some other highlights that for no particular reason made the list above would have been discussing weight loss with Karl Spain while eating a Breast n a Bun in Hillbillies! Oh yeah, I got me first 2 points on the licence as well. It feels like I have them 33 years now but I only have them since May! I had a good night out with a few mates and Jonathan Rhys Myers during the year and hosting the Red FM Appreciate awards was pretty cool too. People actually laughed. As the PD and the CEO both said, "Why couldnt I be that funny on air?". Oh well!!!!
As for the plans for tonight, well we've been out in town every year. This year Id prefer to stay in and do nothing. Id say we'll head out for something to eat, come home and enjoy the fireworks in Cobh!
So thats more or less it. 12 hours to go, exactly till next year. Hope you have a good night, and for fuck sake dont puke on Pana. Happy New Year
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Hope Santy came to you all. Willy Wonka is on the feckin TV, the Turkey is coming up me throat and the tin of quality street has yet to be opened!!
Christ, dont ya love Christmas. Thanks Jesus!
Christ, dont ya love Christmas. Thanks Jesus!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Well kids everywhere are shitting themselves about now. Town is closing down, parents are trying the get the little feckers home. 4 or 5 hours from now they'll be hitting the oul leaba and trying to get to sleep. Which of course they cant. But as the magic of Christmas happens, they'll wake up without ever thinking they fell asleep. The last 2 days, Ive been in a very festive mood. The comments on the blog really helped the mood along. I was going to do a Twas the night before Christmas, but I cant be arsed to be honest! So to fill that void, heres a few bits from the last show of the year
Late N Live Top 5 ways, I Vic, will be enjoying the Xmas holidays (22/12/05)
5 – Making tough decisions like Blue Stratos, Old Spice or Hi Karate
4 – Christmas morning is the one day a year I manage to get up
3 – Sitting down with a glass of wine…staring in the neighbors bedroom window
2 – Wondering if the P45 I got at the Xmas party was a joke
1 – Ill be driving around sampling the Xmas spirit at Gate 6 in the airport
Does anyone else think Xmas is a sexual time of year. Yeah, I know that’s worrying, sounds like something Michael Jackson would say before he busts out a six pack of Jesus juice. But seriously all this talk of stuffing the ass of a plump bird with meat and bread crumbs its worrying isnt it. Guys, just think of all the boxes youll have to unwrap over the Xmas holidays. Some of you will be opening 10+ boxes on Christmas morning alone, and to that I salute you.
Does anybody else enjoy relatives coming for Xmas dinner. Its great isnt it. People you only see at funerals and the occasional wedding turn up on your door Xmas morning. Which is a right pain if you’re a kid. Your trying to open your presents and Aunty Bridy is moaning about her next door neighbour, the price of bread…..or her piles. Then the actual dinner is another ordeal, they all seem to pick at the mountain of a dinner that your mother spent the last 3 days trying to get ready, and their moaning that the brussel sprouts are too hard, the spuds are lumpy and the turkeys too dry. What is it with this whole the Turkeys very dry. It’s a meat, its supposed to be dry. God, just lick the damn thing to moisten it up or dip it in your glass of water. Then when the dinner is over and done with, they all crawl into the front room, light the fire and gradually all fall asleep. Then aunty bridy wakes up and tries to tell you about her next door neighbor, the price of bread…or her piles.
Ya gotta love the oul Aunty Bridy! As it stands right now, herself is in town with her Dad and sister. Ive got the bits and pieces wrapped. I have six discs left to watch out of the Sopranos season 4 and 5. The fridge and cupboards are full of junk and drink. Well the drink is in the fridge. Wedding Crashers, Tim Burtons Nightmare before Xmas, The Island, Cinderella man, King Kong production diaries and something else are all on the schedule over the next few days. Im promising myself to stay away from the net and work..although I do have to work for a small bit on Tuesday. So I think thats about it folks.
If anyone gets an Xbox360 me gamertag is vicbarry. Ill be project gotahmin' it over the holidays, so look me up.
On a final note, thank YOU for reading this piece of drivel. I do apoligise about the lack of updates recently, but that should return to normal in 06 (Yeah, I know Ive said that before). Hope Santy squeezes his big fat hole down yer chimneys and fills up all yer stockings.....with presents. One last thank you, and that goes to YOU for listening to the show in 2005. I hope youll join me again from January 3rd 2006.
Be safe and careful this holiday season and have a great time!
Late N Live Top 5 ways, I Vic, will be enjoying the Xmas holidays (22/12/05)
5 – Making tough decisions like Blue Stratos, Old Spice or Hi Karate
4 – Christmas morning is the one day a year I manage to get up
3 – Sitting down with a glass of wine…staring in the neighbors bedroom window
2 – Wondering if the P45 I got at the Xmas party was a joke
1 – Ill be driving around sampling the Xmas spirit at Gate 6 in the airport
Does anyone else think Xmas is a sexual time of year. Yeah, I know that’s worrying, sounds like something Michael Jackson would say before he busts out a six pack of Jesus juice. But seriously all this talk of stuffing the ass of a plump bird with meat and bread crumbs its worrying isnt it. Guys, just think of all the boxes youll have to unwrap over the Xmas holidays. Some of you will be opening 10+ boxes on Christmas morning alone, and to that I salute you.
Does anybody else enjoy relatives coming for Xmas dinner. Its great isnt it. People you only see at funerals and the occasional wedding turn up on your door Xmas morning. Which is a right pain if you’re a kid. Your trying to open your presents and Aunty Bridy is moaning about her next door neighbour, the price of bread…..or her piles. Then the actual dinner is another ordeal, they all seem to pick at the mountain of a dinner that your mother spent the last 3 days trying to get ready, and their moaning that the brussel sprouts are too hard, the spuds are lumpy and the turkeys too dry. What is it with this whole the Turkeys very dry. It’s a meat, its supposed to be dry. God, just lick the damn thing to moisten it up or dip it in your glass of water. Then when the dinner is over and done with, they all crawl into the front room, light the fire and gradually all fall asleep. Then aunty bridy wakes up and tries to tell you about her next door neighbor, the price of bread…or her piles.
Ya gotta love the oul Aunty Bridy! As it stands right now, herself is in town with her Dad and sister. Ive got the bits and pieces wrapped. I have six discs left to watch out of the Sopranos season 4 and 5. The fridge and cupboards are full of junk and drink. Well the drink is in the fridge. Wedding Crashers, Tim Burtons Nightmare before Xmas, The Island, Cinderella man, King Kong production diaries and something else are all on the schedule over the next few days. Im promising myself to stay away from the net and work..although I do have to work for a small bit on Tuesday. So I think thats about it folks.
If anyone gets an Xbox360 me gamertag is vicbarry. Ill be project gotahmin' it over the holidays, so look me up.
On a final note, thank YOU for reading this piece of drivel. I do apoligise about the lack of updates recently, but that should return to normal in 06 (Yeah, I know Ive said that before). Hope Santy squeezes his big fat hole down yer chimneys and fills up all yer stockings.....with presents. One last thank you, and that goes to YOU for listening to the show in 2005. I hope youll join me again from January 3rd 2006.
Be safe and careful this holiday season and have a great time!
Morning all. There will be a proper blogged up Xmas entry later on today at some stage. If you have absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing to do, drop by later on ;)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Tis the season to be jolly and all that jazz. Isnt it? People are absolutely feckin mad in town at the moment. Frenzied shoppers, like pirhanas! I have most of mine thank fuck, but I still have one or 2 more bits to get. Ill try and give a decent blog update before Xmas as Im up the walls work wise. Dont forget, some tales from the Xmas party still to come
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Im absolutely shagged (No not that way!) from this week. Lots and lots going on, which will be revealed on Sunday or Monday, well Ill type about it!
Went to see King Kong today, great movie. If theres one movie you should see this year this is it, after Star Wars of course. Big epic flick, great effects, great acting and at times quite touching! I took me Dad today, and Ill drag herself to it on Saturday Id say!
Anyway, gotta go..need more coffee!
Went to see King Kong today, great movie. If theres one movie you should see this year this is it, after Star Wars of course. Big epic flick, great effects, great acting and at times quite touching! I took me Dad today, and Ill drag herself to it on Saturday Id say!
Anyway, gotta go..need more coffee!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
It was a weird one last night. As like last year, Im helping out with the company Xmas card again this year. After the show I trucked in town with the oul Digi cam. First stop the lough, on me hands in knees when the paddy wagon drives slowly by. Then into Pana, again same paddy wagon drives slowly by. Then decided to go down to Connolly Hall area for a nice shot of the City Hall. I know, 2am in the morning and theres some guy walking around a hooker pick up area, with a digital camera. Guess what kiddies, the SAME paddy wagon drives by again. Im suprised I wasnt picked up for soliciting with a digital feckin camera!
As for a comment (yes I get them now and again) on yesterdays blog, I hope I wont be running around on Xmas eve...itll probably be the day or 3 before hand. Thats more or less it for now. Again short and sour I know, but what you gonna do!
As for a comment (yes I get them now and again) on yesterdays blog, I hope I wont be running around on Xmas eve...itll probably be the day or 3 before hand. Thats more or less it for now. Again short and sour I know, but what you gonna do!
Monday, December 12, 2005
2 Updates in 2 days...god whats goin on? There was a nice reaction last night to my Richard Pryor tribute, if you didnt hear it, I will play it again at the start of the show tonight.
I was quite sad putting it together as Richard was an absolute legend. He will be missed!
I finished King Kong on the 360 half an hour ago. Nice gaming experience, had me shitting in me pants once or twice. Played the monkey off it since Friday! Not much else going on really, except I am up the walls work wise.
Xmas shopping isnt done, although the tree is still standing!!!!
I was quite sad putting it together as Richard was an absolute legend. He will be missed!
I finished King Kong on the 360 half an hour ago. Nice gaming experience, had me shitting in me pants once or twice. Played the monkey off it since Friday! Not much else going on really, except I am up the walls work wise.
Xmas shopping isnt done, although the tree is still standing!!!!
Sunday, December 11, 2005

It was very sad for me to discover last night, that my favourite comedian Richard Pryor has passed away. I will have a special little tribute to the greatest comedian ever on the show later on tonight!
Dont know if God will give you a break with the Fuck word, but youll have the angels laughing!!!
Rich - RIP!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Friday morning saw the Xbox 360 arrive into me little hands. I picked up Project Gotham Racing and Madden 06 as well as the Wireless internet adapter. Looks like the money for Xmas is gone now...oh well.
The games have blown me away, Xbox live has blown me away and trying to get my pc and xbox 360 to see each other over the network nearly caused me to blow up. Anyways, all is sorted now. Theres not a great deal I can say about it
a) Its 2.36 am
b) Im feckin tired
c) Its rather bloody fantastic!
Mobile phones up for grabs on the show all week so you've been told!
The games have blown me away, Xbox live has blown me away and trying to get my pc and xbox 360 to see each other over the network nearly caused me to blow up. Anyways, all is sorted now. Theres not a great deal I can say about it
a) Its 2.36 am
b) Im feckin tired
c) Its rather bloody fantastic!
Mobile phones up for grabs on the show all week so you've been told!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
I was dreading making a particular phone call this morning. As some of you will know, I pre ordered an Xbox360 a while back. A week ago I was told theres a good chance I wont have it on Friday. Rang the store in question, and lo and be-feckin-hold they have one for me tomorrow morning. So roll on an afternoon of Project Gotham 3 Racing. Besides that, Ill hopefully be hooking it into the wireless network in the gaff so that explains why my gamercard is on the right.
Plans for Xmas are non-existent. It took 2 attempts to get the right Xmas tree, and with all the lugging and pulling Id say I need a bit of traction to sort me back out. Loads of KY given away last night on the show, and hopefully some more this evening. I was suprised the amount of people who wouldnt come on air. God, its not as if Im going to ask them how to apply it or anything :)
So that be that. Ill be on here over the weekend to give my impressions of the Xbox 360. I know I have hyped the thing up in my head something savage, but Im sure it wont disappoint!
Plans for Xmas are non-existent. It took 2 attempts to get the right Xmas tree, and with all the lugging and pulling Id say I need a bit of traction to sort me back out. Loads of KY given away last night on the show, and hopefully some more this evening. I was suprised the amount of people who wouldnt come on air. God, its not as if Im going to ask them how to apply it or anything :)
So that be that. Ill be on here over the weekend to give my impressions of the Xbox 360. I know I have hyped the thing up in my head something savage, but Im sure it wont disappoint!
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