Thursday, September 18, 2008

The one with my pants saber unleashed for the Force unleashed

Every now and again theres a few video games that make me want to take off my pants. To some out there, that may be a frightening thought, but don't worry about it. Go back to your mirror!

Star Wars : The Force Unleashed is out this Friday, and while I know that the lack of quality Star Wars games is far and few between, this has really got the pants saber going "Bzzzzzzzzz" and "Scccchhhhhhhh". Sure it'll probably get repetitive, but bouncing stormtroopers of walls and through windows into the vast vacuum of space will keep me well happy into the witching hours.

Speaking of witching hours, Im sitting here with the end of Platoon belting out on one of the movie channels. Anyway, some Star Wars goodness...

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