Monday, November 02, 2009

The one after Halloween

Another night of ghosts, ghouls and scobes draws to an end! We missed all the trick or treaters, due to yours truly thundering off the buy a cheap shirt to destroy with food colouring. And by the time we came back after getting fed in the process, most of the little ones had gone home with their bags of sweets. No doubt, an hour later they were doing their best, Exorcist projectile vomit impressions.

The outfit for the fancy dress bash at Club D’Ville got a few comments afterward. People obviously thought I was in an almighty punch up. “You alright biy? You need an ambulance or anything” was one such comment I got in a garage. A group of girls refused to get out of a car after spotting me and were all to quick to pull their mate back into the car, saying “Stay in the car, stay in the car”. Another bloke said “Fuck, that was some batin’ ya got”. Thankfully nobody called the cops as I did look like I had butchered a small housing estate! I had a t-shirt wrapped around the seat in case the food colouring would make shit of the car seat, which would have looked even more dodge If I were stopped by the lads in blue!

Managed to convince the wife to watch Drag me to Hell on Blu-Ray, which is a great flick and incredibly funny with the occasional “JUMP” moment. Wife terrified of the whole thing. Clung to me arm until I eventually reminded her that I need my right arm for writing, cooking…other things. It didn’t matter, she still clawed the shit out of it!
